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New Year, New Website!

New Year, New Website!!

 Welcome!! It was time to brighten up our space on the web, so I hope you like our new layout, and most importantly our new content. It is a work in progress so there will be a few more changes in the coming weeks, but this is our new look ....for now:)

If you haven't already, I highly encourage you to become a Website Member and at minimum subscribe for "Doctor's Announcements". Here's why:

1) It's the EASIEST WAY for me, your favorite chiropractor, to alert everyone (remotely, if needed) about emergency office closures or any significant changes you need to know about. We are in New York City.....lots of surprises happen here.

2) Your emails are directly forwarded to me, so you can contact me with appropriate questions or concerns in a more efficient way. 

3) There's lots of great chiropractic information here!

You can completely manage the content you receive by clicking on the boxes that interest you. Just make sure to click on the "Doctor's Announcements" box so I can stay connected. 

Please expect to receive a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or testimonial request in the next few weeks. Your likes, followings, testimonials and social interaction are appreciated.  If that's not for you, that's okay too. We're just trying to stay connected in the social world. Just know that I am always here PERSONALLY to interact with you:)

As always, thank you for allowing me to be your Chiropractic Healthcare Provider!

Love, Joy,
Health & Happiness,

Dr. Tammy Bohne'